ΤΟ ΕΠΙΣΗΜΟ SITE ΤΟΥ ΓΙΑΝΝΗ ΑΓΓΕΛΑΚΑ ΚΑΙ ON-LINE ΔΙΣΚΟΠΩΛΕΙΟ"/> Interviews :: Alltogethernow {beta release}
Γ. Αγγελάκας - Ν. Βελιώτης,Λύκοι Live
Ψαρογιώργης / Γ. Χαιρέτης / Γ. Αγγελάκας / Ν. Βελιώτης
Γιάννης Αγγελάκας & Alltogethernow
Γιάννης Αγγελάκας
Γιάννης Αγγελάκας / Νίκος Βελιώτης
Γιάννης Αγγελάκας & οι Επισκέπτες
Γιάννης Αγγελάκας / Νίκος Βελιώτης

 Art should be provocative in its own right, able to make people see their reality through a different perspective, by raising their level of intellectuality and aesthetics. Otherwise, there is no Art, it’s dead.  

Published: 25/01/2011 | More info…
Yiannis Aggelakas writes about author Panayiotis Kunadis and his latest Cd/book series
Published: 23/01/2011 | More info…

A few years ago, when the motto was “life is too short to be sad, baby”, he was singing something along the lines of “life’s long, don’t turn it into a circus”. Now, in the midst of economic crisis, Yiannis Aggelakas makes a strange wish for Greece.

An interview to Schooligans magazine, No18.

Published: 23/01/2011 | More info…
An intrview for the Schooligans magazine , 2005 . Old but good!
Published: 22/01/2011 | More info…

«From Here and Over, I am not afraid»…An interview for Zenith magazine.

Published: 22/01/2011 | More info…

I will never be alone, worst case I’ll be with God”, this Henry Miller’s quote sticked with me since I was a teenager. I always go through life with friends and, to me, friends are those who gaze together at that same spot on the horizon and joyously stumble towards it.

Published: 12/01/2011 | More info…

Yiannis Aggelakas writes his thoughts about Psarantonis. Published in Athens Voice

Published: 12/01/2011 | More info…